Its 2 am and have just finished a chapter for our long exam... I plan not to sleep until 8 am so to give myself a break, I will treat myself with an internet session with brain nerves turned on....
The Chapter I have studied was all about the nature of the immune system. The Immune system is composed of complex structures and mechanisms to protect our body from foreign substances that may be pathologic in nature. These foreign substances are termed as Antigens. Antigens may also be called as immunogens if these antigens stimulates an immune response.
The Immune response is categorized into three type basing on the stages of their occurence and order of action. These are the type 1, type 2 and type 3.
Type 1 immune response is also known as the Innate immune response or the Natural occuring immune response. This is a non specific immune response and is not changed upon second exposure to a certain immunogen. This type is exemplified with physical and biochemical barriers in the body. An intact skin and mucous membranes protects the entry of the immunogens to the body. Lactic acids and fatty acids which are present in sweat and sebaceous secretions are bactericidal in nature. Moreover, the enzyme lyzozyme, commonly present in tears, nasal secretions and saliva have the ability to disrupt the cell walls of bacteria.
Type 2 Immune response is still a non specific type of immune response and is mounted upon the entry of the immunogen inside the body. Involved here are the leukocytes, phagocytes, monocytes and macrophages and lymphocytes. Phagocytes are the primary component of this type and the presence of opsonins enhances the action of recognition of the phagocytes towards the offending antigens. Monocytes and macrophages (also known as the mononuclear sytems) acts and helps the phagocytic action or may serve as antigen presenting cell to the antibody for final killing. The natural Killer cells are able to lyze abnormal cells through the process of Anitbody-dependent cellular toxicity. The large granular lymphocytes play are role in the early stages of viral infection. It is able to destroy abnormal cells through the synthesis of cytokins (interferons, interleukins, tissue necorsis factor and colony stimulating factor). Interferons are also known are anti viral cytokins since it inhibits the multiplication and spreading of the virus to the other cells yet this is not active in the prevention in the acquisition of viral infections. The Interleukins in the other hands acts as mediators to stimulate growth, mobilization and activation of leukocytes and the mononuclear system.
Type 3 immune response an immune response that is specific in nature. It is exemplified by the synthesis of antibodies which have originated from the B cells. This kills the cells by the membrane attack complex mechanism through the complement activation
I wished to write all details of the immune system yet I feel tired in typing all of those! MaY GoD BlEsS me for My LoNg ExAm.....
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