November 28, 2008

Thoughts of an insomniac

I realized that I have a great dream for myself. I always make it a point that everything I do coincides with my goals in life- Things I want to achieve with my life. Obviously, I am very ambitious and envision myself to be a great doctor (surgeon perhaps) someday.

I have sacrificed the little smiles for the expected big ones. Graduation is upcoming and I wanted to graduate with Latin honours. I’ve been pushing myself to the limits and studied hard just to attain that goal. Whether I reach that goal or not, I am prepared. I just want my parents, family and friends to be proud of me. Of course, I will also be proud of myself eventually.

Following the phenomenal series, “Grey’s anatomy”, I realized one thing—A person can’t have everything in life. People get to choose between a happy family or a very successful career. Many have tried to have both but no one succeeds.
Having a happy family would mean happiness and contentment with little things. Being a family man will enable me to see how my kids are molded to become better individuals. An intact family would mean a well-lighted house to sleep and people who would be there for you in down moments.

A successful career will give the fame, fortune, money and not to mention the respect you get from people. A successful career would also mean being a standard bearer to you family. Eventually people close to you will be proud of you. Your family would even be happy of carrying the same family name as yours.

Obviously, I am one of those people who want to have both. I want to grow old with the security that someone will take care and be patient of me.

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